Uncle Sam can Sing Chicken Little's song now – The Sky has Begun to Fall
Thursday, May 21, 2009

Although this is a small deal between an economic mammoth and a moderate sized country, it opens the doors for other countries to do the same – it sets the precedent. And while it is not necessarily a Chinese or Brazilian declaration that they are ditching the dollar as a reserve, it allows them to begin scaling down their reserves as it is not needed for trade anymore. The Chinese have figured out a smart way to do this, without sticking a huge middle finger up at the US, and without making tsunami sized waves. This will be slow process, a backdoor to redefining the global monetary system without anyone seeing it happen before it is too late.

We have never seen this before so it is hard to derive a historical reference that could give us insight as to how this will play out. But my Forex Online readers and Traders, I refer you to Zimbabwe as an example of what could happen if the proverbial crap hits the fan in the US.
Trade smart – and watch the Dollar today.
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